Monday, October 29, 2007

Bug Spray

This is a rough little script for my client project advert..........

An Insect’s Worst Nightmare.

Scene 1. Int. Living Room. Day.

The main character, Jack, is sat down reading a newspaper/watching television. Suddenly there is the sound of a door being open aggressively.

Cut to:

Scene 2. Int. Living Room. Day.

A giant insect is standing in the doorway. One arm on the open door. He is staring at Jack.

Cut to:

Scene 3. Int. Close Up of Jack’s face. Day

A look of extreme, over dramatic fear comes over Jack’s face. Soon followed by rage.

Cut to:

Scene 4. Close up of insect’s face. Day.

The insect has not moved an muscle.
Cut to:

Scene 5. Int. Living Room. Day.

Both character’s charge for each other colliding in the middle of the room and falling to the ground together. They continue to wrestle for 15-20 seconds, forcing each other into different rooms.

Cut to:

Scene 6. Int. Hall way. Day.

As the fight is reaching it’s climax, Jack reaches for a can of insect repellent. In the background the buzz of an alarm clock gets louder.

Cut to:

Scene 7. Int. Bedroom. Night.

The alarm clock gets louder as we can now see the bedroom it is in. There is a big double bed in the middle of the room. A hand reaches out and turns it off. Then we see the insect in bed. He sits up, wipes away a cold sweat from his brow and falls back down on the bed.

Cut to:

Scene 7. Int. Living Room. Day.

Jack is pointing the can at the camera in an angry face while the text reads. “Fly Swatter – An Insect’s Worst Nightmare”.

The End

I'm really looking forward to making this bad boy, if i can get it looking how it is in my head i think it'll be really cool...... One word that is ringing in my head though, choreography. I'm currently storyboarding but i need my actors to know exactly what they're doing and where they're going. I read an interview with Matt Damon about the fight scenes in the new Bourne film (which rocks by the way) and he said it was just like learning a really fast dance....... So maybe i'll get my actors to pull out their dancing shoes......

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