Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Trailer & End of Filming

This post should mark the end of my filming schedule. I have stuck to it and probably for the first time in my life have kept on top of a schedule i set myself. I am happy with the footage (i should do there is a LOT of it). Seven different nights. Four different locations. Some unusable footage. Some absolute gold (like spending 20 minutes on Wednesday evening trying to hit the lens with a card..... it does look the bollocks though). Now it's my job to go through all of it and find the best stuff. Hopefully, should have a rough edit of the final version by Monday, leaving next week for possible pick up shots of anything i feel is missing. I have a few ideas in mind but want to see after the rough edit just what might be needed......

In my hours today spent searching through the footage i thought it would be nice to make this little trailer. There was one point i thought i'd lost the whole thing. Which would have been rather upsetting. But as you can see now, i did not. So here it is.....

Enjoy !!

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