Friday, November 24, 2006

Animation Presentation

My animation coursework is in for the 13th of December, the day after my birthday !! So I’ve got to get started with this. The brief is to produce an ident for channel 27. I have decided to build a street in 3DS Max and have someone in one of the houses flicking around the channels. The audio will be heard as the camera goes down the street, and possibly through alley-ways...etc.... until we go into a living room where the person turns on channel 27 causing his house to blow up. Here are some very rough, and quite crude plans.....

After this weeks animation lecture i have decided to look more into the cartoon area. I think i will have real problems trying to create a realistic enviroment, whereas if i go for a more make-believe street with strangely shaped houses it could prove to be more esthetically pleasing......
and obviously i won't just clone the same house twenty times !

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

H.C that is absolutely exceptional..marvolous...superb...
out bloody the house.would look better with some bricks though and maybe some grass...