Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Magic Trailer

This is the trailer for my magic DVD. I could only use the footage shot in the hall from Muse Bar on this because i haven't got Apple Colour on my machine yet. I've ordered some more RAM for it which should be arriving it any minute now and when that happens we are ready to roll ! The audio is through a clip mic on my lapel but in the real shoot we'll be using a boom mic as well, would have used a boom mic in this shoot but FORGOT the pole ! so..... pretty useless. The boom mic, not me.....

Didn't know what to write on the titles and only wanted to tease so here it is......

Once again, the brilliant Amon Tobin provides the soundtrack.....

Listen to the man have to explain that it's only magic and it's not spirits about 30 seconds in !! i liked that woman..... she says she was "terrified" of me.



OLDY said...

amon tobin. quality!

good shit there sexton

Tom said...

i bloody love all that...